Tips on How to Conquer Laundry With a Busy Household

Tips on How to Conquer Laundry With a Busy Household

As a busy household, it's easy to let clothes pile up and become overwhelmed with the amount of laundry to do. However, staying organized and keeping up with laundry can make a big difference in reducing stress and keeping your home clean and tidy. In this article, we'll go over some tips to help you stay organized with laundry and avoid the dreaded pileup of clean clothes.

  1. Have designated laundry days: Instead of doing laundry whenever you have a free moment, try designating specific days of the week for laundry. This will help you stay on top of it and prevent clothes from piling up.

  2. Sort clothes as you go: Instead of letting clothes accumulate in one big pile, sort them as you go. Have designated baskets for lights, darks, and whites, and make a habit of putting clothes directly into the appropriate basket when you take them off.

  3. Use a laundry hamper: Make sure everyone in the household has their own laundry hamper, and encourage them to use it consistently. This will prevent clothes from being left on the floor or scattered throughout the house.

  4. Use a reward system for the little ones: Kids are messy by nature and will leave clothes 2 steps away from the hamper; however, this is no challenge for a sticker reward! It's worth a try! If they know they will get rewarded with a sticker, they might just take those 2 extra steps to put their clothes in the hamper!
  5. Fold and put away clean clothes immediately: Once you've finished a load of laundry, don't let the clean clothes sit in a pile. Take the time to fold them and put them away immediately. This will prevent clothes from getting wrinkled and make it easier to find what you need later.

  6. Consider outsourcing laundry: If you find that you simply don't have the time or energy to keep up with laundry, or you need a hand to get back in control, consider outsourcing to a laundry service like Pulirr's laundry package. This will take the burden off your shoulders and give you more time to focus on other tasks.

Pulirr's laundry package offers convenience and a high-quality service. Our team will pick up your laundry, wash and fold it, and return it to you in a timely manner. This service can be a lifesaver for busy households and will ensure that your clothes are always clean and ready to wear. Pulirr also offers this service as a weekly, biweekly, triweekly, and monthly subscription.

In conclusion, staying organized with laundry can make a big difference in keeping your household running smoothly. By following these tips and considering outsourcing to a laundry service like Pulirr, you can take the stress out of laundry and enjoy a clean and organized home.

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